Home Elevators.
We manufacture home lifts that compliment your “Dream Home”. Manvik Home Lifts provides unique and affordable in-home lift solutions to help people gain personal mobility at their home.
Home Lift Gearless Traction Machine Capacity: 450kg / Speed : 0.4mps / Maximum Static Load : 1300kg / Maximum Travel : 12 meters with 2:1 roping

• Travel Comfortably to every floor at a speed of 0.4 m/s.
• Give elderly and dependent people the freedom to move from floor to floor without using the stair.
• Manvik Elevators Mini is compact and facilitates elevators with a minimum of space and civil work.
• Manvik Elevators Mini operators on single-phase 230v domestic supply.
• Manvik Elevators Mini silent: it uses no oil. reduces power consumption and is also eco-friendly.
• Does not requir regular machine room arrangement for installation and three phase power supply for its.